Elaine and Gabe are off for the summer soon. Elaine will be serving at a camp in North Carolina. The Refuge is a young Christian Camp set in Ayden, NC. Actually only a couple hours from Emerald Isle, NC where we have been asked to provide summer camp programming the first week of July for a local church.
Gabe will be serving once again this summer at Camp Bethel in Wise, VA.
They will both leave out soon after Gabe’s high school graduation at the end of May. So from this summer on, things will NEVER be the same around here.
Anyway, as I stated above, they will be serving at separate camps all summer. In order to allow them to serve in these environments, we have to raise financial support each year. These positions, while not “voluntary” are not necessarily “paid” positions either. Their weekly “pay” comes from whatever financial support has been sent to the respective camp in their individual names.
So, if you feel so inclined, we ask that you prayerfully support them as they need to cover travel expenses, equipment, and lodging (in some cases), etc. Simply contact me through this website to learn how you can support a summer missionary! All donations are tax deductible (where allowed) through 501(c)(3) organizations.
Now, with that said, I am also looking for more web design work for the summer for just this reason. It takes money to spread the gospel… and hopefully YOU need a website design, or redesign! I can help. With VERY fair pricing and lower than most any others.
Here is my latest design. I hope to turn this one over to the client this week. http://fowphoto.com
Thanks and GOD BLESS!!