Yes, it’s been quite a while since last post, but I’ll keep it short.
Not in order of importance or chronological, but short…
– I fixed the Montana. Head/intake gaskets, tune-up and a few other items while it was apart. Running great except for a recently developed explainable random misfire between 1500-1900 RPM. Contact me if you have any ideas on this.
– Sold the truck.
– Bought a KIA Sedona for CHEAP to replace the truck as a third vehicle.
– Gabe bought a motorcycle. Did some work on that.
– Elaine served in western Michigan at Gerber Scout Reservation as aquatics Director and I visited her for a long weekend.
– Visited Wise, VA for a possible position for Elaine as Youth Director for a new satellite church plant. Did not work out though.
– KASA Fred videos for 2014.
– Updated to Windows 7 Pro 64bit onto a 250GB Solid State Drive. I recommend a SSD !
– Elaine sold her gas-guzzling Mountaineer and bought a gas-saving 1989 Honda Prelude. She loves it. It’s loud.
– Sold the house.
– Stored some belongings we had left after yard sale. Trying to get rid of all absolutely unnecessary clutter.
– Moved. Twice. Last move was to a location where we are helping friends with a major cleaning/purging of a household. Ultimately allowing them to sell the home and travel. This will be an ongoing project for quite some time. This meanwhile is helping us to achieve our goal of becoming debt-free and moving to full-time camp ministry.
– Created a couple more websites.
– Mom’s skin cancer returned. This time on her chin. Doc got it all taken care of and she’s doing fairly well. Still some health issues.
– other…